Thursday, March 26, 2009

Dr. Death, Typhoid Mary, and all the aching muscles...

It's been a long couple of days...I'm exhausted already and I work 7 out of the next 8 days...going to be a long week!

So, I've totally been feeling like Dr. Death lately...put two cats to sleep yesterday afternoon and had the "quality of life" discussion with another 2 clients (one cat with suspected FIP - feline infectious peritonitis - bad viral infection that hits eyes, brain, pretty much any system in the body; and one who is in kidney failure, has heart disease, and has had 'fainting spells' lately whenever the owner tries to force feed the cat - he's also not eating on his own...).  Had quality of life discussion with another owner today - another bad kidney failure, heart disease, probably cancer in there somewhere cat.  And damned if the two cats I have put to sleep in the past couple days weren't young cats (one was 7, one was 4)...those are the worst.  And the FIP cat is only 2 years old.  *sigh*

On top of all the death and destruction I seem to be spewing lately, I'm hoping I don't get sick of my bosses is playing Typhoid Mary at the moment...poor woman is sick as a dog, but the other two vets in the practice are on vacation for the next couple days, so it's just me and her...I've already done my illness this year!  Please, let this one pass me by!

Oh, and all my muscles from my waist up hurt...that's what I get for going to the gym yesterday morning and pushing so hard when I haven't been in about 3 weeks, if not 4.  But, I weighed in at 169 pounds...down 15 from when I moved to Washington!  Only 34 more to my goal!  Weird to think I'm almost a third of the way there...although I'm sure the next 2/3s will be harder than the first 1/3 was...

Well, enough whining and lamenting...time for bed!

1 comment:

  1. I feel for you. Remember all that stuff with Piper? Young cats passing is awful.
